Help Mom Relax on a Destin Vacation

Give her the beach break she deserves!

Posted on 5/7/2021

Vacations are important. They are a time for us to relieve stress and enjoy a break from the constant craziness of our daily lives.

For moms, these kinds of breaks are especially vital. Because, let's face it, being a mom is hard work. We'd argue that it is the hardest job there is! For many moms, the motherly duties never seem to end. There is always a constant stream of laundry to do, dirty dishes to wash, meals to cook, messes to clean, homework to help with, sports practices to chauffeur the kids to, performances and recitals to attend, and the list keeps going.

Unfortunately, while moms are in desperate need of a break from the chaos, vacations don't always cut it. In the article Moms Don't Get to 'Relax' on Family Vacations, For the Husbands that Don't Get It, one mom articulates her frustration with family vacations and how they can actually be more stressful (for mom, at least) than not going on vacation. She states:

"In the thick of winter, it's hard to imagine that summer will ever arrive. And while most people are focused on surviving the next snowfall, moms everywhere are bracing themselves for one of the single most hectic family events of the year: The family vacation… Now when I think of vacation, all I can think about is reaching for the Tums. Because the truth is, I'm not getting a real vacation for at least the next ten years. Why? Because I'm a mom."

Whew, truth bomb! She goes on to explain that between the planning, budgeting, and packing, there really is no time for mom to unwind and relax. Many moms also experience no help from their "easy-going" husbands, who think they are being helpful by letting mom make all the decisions. All of this is enough for any woman to want to pull her hair out and simply forgo the vacation altogether. But, they don't, because family vacations create lifelong, happy memories for their kids. If there is one thing that moms understand deeply, it is the sacrifices they make for their kiddos.

For moms, vacations aren't necessarily the break that society advertises them to be, but it doesn't have to be that way!

Destin and Emerald Coast, in particular, offer so many relaxing outlets for moms to relax, unwind, and allow their motherly worries to slip away for a few blissful moments. However, a mom cannot enjoy these luxuries if her family is unaware of the stress she endures on vacation, and if they are do not encourage her to take time out to relax. 

So, husbands and kids, here is our plea to you…help your mom relax on her Destin vacation!

When mom feels your support, she might actually get the break she deserves. This will lead to not only a great vacation experience and wonderful memories, but also a more relaxed tone when you return home. At least, before the crazy sets in again and it is time for another vacation!

How can you help mom relax on her Destin vacation? First, don't make her plan everything. Pitch in and give ideas. Look for popular restaurants, research discounted activities, find vacation rentals with good reviews. Additionally, take over vacation duties for a while and make specific plans for mom to relax. If mom is in charge of her own downtime, she will not take it because she is too focused on making sure the rest of her family has the perfect vacation.

Here are some other Destin-specific ideas to get you started.  

Spa Day

Surprise mom with a spa day! The Destin area is home to a number of luxury spas offering a range of services and packages. Popular spas include Serenity by the Sea Spa, Salamander Spa at the Henderson Resort, and the Spa at Silver Shells. Massages, body therapies, facials, waxing, and manicures and pedicures are just a few of the services that will help mom feel pampered. Book an appointment so she can enjoy a couple of hours to herself to recharge. Mom will love that her family took the time to set up a special experience just for her. To sweeten the deal, dad and the kids can prepare a beachy meal at the vacation rental while she is at the spa. Mom won't have to cook dinner or make reservations, and this experience is sure to create fun memories! Pro-tip: Order a ready-to-heat meal from Sarah Ks Gourmet.

Read more: Destin Spas

Beach Picnic

Go to the beach for a picnic as a family. No, this does not mean telling mom to make all the snacks and pack for the excursion. This means going to the store (many of our beach rentals are within walking distance of grocery stores), preparing the snacks, and packing the cooler with your goodies. While you're getting this ready, encourage mom to read that book she brought that she's been dying to read for ages. She can enjoy some peace and quiet on the outdoor balcony overlooking the beach, while her family gets everything ready. Mom will probably remind everyone to put on sunscreen and bring the beach towels, but hey, that's what she does! When the picnic is packed, and the beach gear is ready to go, you can all head to the shores for a yummy picnic and beach fun.

Dad/Kid-Planned Activities

Dads, this one is for you, and it is a biggie. Work with the kiddos to plan a few vacation activities. Don't let mom plan everything. That can lead to frustration, particularly when you or the kids complain about an activity she picked because you didn't provide any input. To make sure this doesn't happen, research a few family-friendly activities with the kids and plan what you want to do. Destin offers a variety of fun coastal experiences, including dolphin tours, paddle boarding, and kayaking opportunities, pirate cruises, nature trails, Big Kahuna's Water and Adventure Park, and more. With so many options, one idea is to have each kid pick at least one activity. This will eliminate some of mom's stress, while also ensuring that everyone has a good time! 

"If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

We've all heard the saying, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Well, we definitely want mama to be happy on vacation. What do you think… are you ready to make sure mom has a stress-free Destin getaway? Start by finding the perfect Destin vacation rental with Ocean Reef Resorts, and you are well on your way to a fun vacation for the whole family.

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